Sunday 29 November 2015

What is Food Allergy and its Symptoms with Causes

Food allergy is an adverse reaction of the immune systemto specific food types. The allergy impacts almost everyone in some way. When you have any unpleasant reaction to food, you think that you are allergic. Any kind of adverse reaction to the immunity system can lead to allergy. It is important to identify the allergenic reaction and treatment for it. An eczema and asthma are also associated with an allergy reaction. Both adults and children can have allergy disease, or immunologic disorder can undergo the treatment.

What are the causes of food allergy?

Allergy occurred out of foodis due to environmental factors and even heredity. The food allergens are responsible for triggering the allergic reactions and the proteins in the food resist it from digestibility. As a result, the allergens tend to cross the gastrointestinal lining and enter the blood stream. The allergic reaction mainly involves the dual components including the protein and the mast cells. Hereditary factors are also there which leads to the allergy. The one suffering from allergy may have many family members suffering from allergic reactions. The kind of allergy due to food is the hypersensitive reaction. The production of antibody is due to the stimulation of specific lymphocytes.

What are the symptoms of food allergy?

The reaction may be mild but can lead to several symptoms. If you face swelling or itching in the mouth, eczema, hives, diarrhea, drop in the blood pressure, trouble breathing and vomiting, you can take help. The health care provider is supposed to provide expert diet after studying detailed history and will conduct the blood test along with the allergy test to diagnose the exact problem. So before experimenting with different food that will only harm the body rather then any benefit you must consult the expert and can find a permanent solution of your problem. 

Take help from the nutritionist immediately if you suffer from any kind of adverse reaction to food. When you visit the skin specialist, you need to ask every relevant or irrelevant question coming to your mind. Both doctor and patient must be clear about the symptoms and proper diet after consultation with the patient take the final shape. Make sure you stick to the diet plan suggested by the nutritionist to get back your healthy body soon. 

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